
From The Istoriagraph - Archived History of the World of Alura
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Kaigan, came to Haven alone, and on foot after losing his vardo to blightlings on the road. He was revealed to be a follower of Hermes when a staff appeared to seemingly bless him with a gift from Hermes. The gift turned out to be instead from Hades, and was lost when he tried to use it to escape from the underworld.

Alexander appointed Kaigen Mayor of Haven and tasked with keeping order in the town, allowing him also to form a council of advisers to help him with this goal.

{{Infobox character

name        = Lord Kaigan Khatara

| image = 12715602_10156409118170018_4153602099723399478_n.jpg | first = Kaigen | last = Khatara | species = Paramishta | gender = Male | occupation = Mayor, Scribe | affiliation = Haven | title = Lord | spouse = Khalen Khatara | religion = Hermes
